Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Carol Dweck talked about "growth" mindset vs. "fixed" mindset. She basically talked about really using your mind and exploring everything. She said that you never think that you can't learn more. You should use your mistakes to make yourself better.
She said that you must admit your mistakes and overcome them. She also said that since the world so ever-changing, you can't possibly make it without having a "growth" mindset. Everyone must unlock their minds, and be open to endless possibilities.
I think that this is a concept all teachers need to think about. Many students are like this. They feel like they cannot learn more than what they already know. If we get them to understand how important learning is, they will go so far in life. I feel like we must make education fun for our children. If we don't, there is so much more than can distract them. Helping the students have a "growth" mindset will make their lives so much better, and one day they will come back and thank us for that.

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