Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Duke University

I read The South in Black & White. It basically talks about how important the history of the South is. They say that the hsitory of the South is so rich in history and culture. They also talk about a heritage festival that they are going to attend that will consists of many story tellers. They will also have performers there that will sing gospel and blues songs. It sounds like a good time to me, and something that will be a learning experience to all who attend.
I think it is so important for our young children to know the truth about history. There is so much in the history books that isn't true. In addition to that, there is so much that isn't in the history books. History was my least favorite subject in school, and it wasn't until I got in college that i realized how important it is.
It is a good idea to have our children enagaged in history activities. Things like the heritage festival that these guys talked about would be different than just reading in the books. This way they get tho hear history from people who actually lived it. It will mean so much more to them.

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